
Dressing gown (front)

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made in Yorkshire

Postcard of Dressing gown (front).
© National Museums Scotland

Dressing gown (front)

This is the front of a woman's quilted cotton dressing gown. Made by McLintock & Sons of Barnsley in Yorkshire, the dressing gown dates from between around 1900 and 1905 and was worn by the donor's grandmother, Elize Connel.

The cotton is printed with a design of fans in reds, beiges and yellow on a dark green background.

A early type of dressing gown existed in medieval times when it was necessary to wear something when paying a night-time visit to the privy (toilet).

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-096-659-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1987.166
Date: Between around 1900 and 1905
c. 1900 - 1905
Material: Green cotton; printed, padded and quilted
Dimensions: 1560 mm L CB
What: Dressing gown, woman's
ICOM Number: F 6.3
Subject: European Costume : female costume : bodywear
Who: Elize Connel (Owner)
McLintock and Sons (Maker)
Where: England, Yorkshire, Barnsley
Description: Woman's dressing gown of quilted green cotton with a printed design of fans: English, Yorkshire, Barnsley, by McLintock and Sons, c. 1900 - 1905
  • Tarrant, Naomi. The Development of Costume. London & New York. NMS & Routledge, 1994, p 64. 
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