
Fashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé

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published in Paris

Fashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé
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This hand-coloured fashion plate is from La Mode Illustreé, a fashion magazine published in Paris. Dating from 1897, the plate illustrates two day dresses and hats. It is signed, 'Anaïs Toudouze'.

The smooth front to these dresses is achieved by the insertion of gores (tapering pieces of cloth) in the back, just about at the level of the top of the thighs, thus creating a small train.

Adèle Anaïs Toudouze was the second daughter of Alexandre-Marie Colin (1798-1875), a painter and lithographer. Along with her sisters, Héloïse and Laure, she was responsible for some of the most charming fashion plates of the mid-nineteenth century.

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