RecordFashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé< 1 of 1 > Back published in Paris
Fashion plate, from La Mode IllustreéThis hand-coloured fashion plate is from La Mode Illustreé, a fashion magazine published in Paris. Dating from 1894, the plate illustrates fur-trimmed outdoor day wear for women. It is signed, 'Desjours' and 'Anaïs Toudouze'. The style of this period was not comfortable to wear. Necklines were very high with collars lined and boned. Skirts were close fitting with rigid corsetry. Long bodices were narrow on the ribcage. Adèle Anaïs Toudouze (1822-99), was the second daughter of Alexandre-Marie Colin, a painter and lithographer. She married Auguste Toudouze in 1845 and most of her plates are signed with her married name. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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