
Fashion plate, from Bow-Bells

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published in London

Fashion plate, from Bow-Bells
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This hand-coloured fashion plate is from Bow-Bells, a fashion magazine published in London. Headed 'The Paris Fashions', the plate illustrates two ladies in day dresses and was presented with Part 11 in July 1865 and published with issue no 48 at the price of one penny.

The publisher's name and address appears at the foot of the plate - 'J. Dicks. 313, Strand'. The plate is clearly signed, 'Compte-Calix' on the left hand side and more faintly signed, 'Bracquet' on the right.

Compte-Calix (1813-1880) exhibited watercolours at the Paris Salon for many years and also illustrated a number of books on historical costume. He was chief artist for Les Modes Parisiennes, a Paris fashion magazine in publication from 1843 to 1875.

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