000-100-087-343-C © National Museums Scotland |
Fashion plate, from The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
This hand-coloured fashion plate is from The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, a ladies' magazine published in London from 1852 until 1877. Dating from August 1865, the plate illustrates two women in day dresses. It is signed 'Jules David' and 'A. Bodin'.
The women are standing by a bench on a beach. The woman on the right is wearing a hooded mantle - a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape.
Jules David (1808-1892) drew fashion plates for Le Moniteur de la Mode from 1843 until 1892. They were subsequently issued in many other magazines including this one. Bodin was a French engraver who created plates for French magazines in the period 1843-70.
Record details
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Online ID: |
000-100-087-343-C |
Image Rights Holder: |
National Museums Scotland |
Project: |
0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project |
Ref: |
National Museums Scotland H.RHI 47.11 |
Date: |
1865 1865
Material: |
Paper. Inscription: The Fashions, Expressly designed and prepared for the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine ; Ad. Goubaud Ed. Paris ; Jules David ; A. Bodin (?)
Dimensions: |
10.70" x 8.50"
What: |
Document / plate, fashion Plate, fashion
Subject: |
Fashion plates (NMAS Classification) Fashion plates
Who: |
A. Bodin Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine Goubaud Jules David
Where: |
England, London
Event: |
Description: |
One of sixteen fashion plates from the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, showing men's, women's and children's wear for the year 1865 Fashion plate showing two women in day dresses, one with a hooded mantle, signed 'Jules David' and possibly 'A. Bodin', from the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, London, August 1865
References: |
- Holland, Vyvyan. Hand Coloured Fashion Plates 1770 to 1899. London: B.T. Batsford, 1955, pp 97-103 & 158.
Translations: |
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