Add to albumThis hand-coloured fashion plate is from Le Petit Courrier des Dames, a weekly fashion magazine published in Paris. The plate is one of a series entitled 'Modes de Paris' and illustrates menswear. Engraved by Damours, it is dated 31 July, 1836.
The French plate title translates as, 'Hunting and Walking Outfits'. The men are dressed in frock coats, waistcoats and trousers. The coats are fitted at the waist. Both men are wearing top hats.
The top hat had originated from the 18th century three-cornered hat or 'tricorne'. When riding, the wide brims of the tricorne got caught in the wind and the hat blew off. Brims were therefore made smaller and the crowns made higher for protecting the head.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-087-172-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.RHI 24.12
- Date: 1823 - 1861
- Material: Inscription: Modes de Paris
Paper. Inscription: Toilettes de chasse et de promenade
Document / plate, fashion
Plate, fashion
- Dimensions: 8.90" x 5.50"
- What: Document / plate, fashion
Plate, fashion
- Subject: Fashion plates (NMAS Classification)
Fashion plates
- Who: Damours (Engraver)
Petit Courrier des Dames
- Where: France, Paris
France, Paris
- Event:
- Description: One of forty-nine fashion plates entitled Modes de Paris, from the Petit Courrier des Dames, 1823 - 1861
Fashion plate showing men's wear 'toilettes de chasse et de promenade', engraved by Damours, from Petit Courrier des Dames, Paris, number 1275, 31 July, 1836
- References:
- Laver, James. Fashions and Fashion Plates 1800-1900. London & New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1943, pp 5-6.
- Translations:
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