
Fragments of tartan associated with George IV's visit to Scotland

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Fragments of tartan associated with George IV's visit to Scotland
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These two tartan fragments from Culloden House in Inverness-shire are alleged to have been from Prince Charles Edward Stewart's (Charles Edward Stuart or Bonnie Prince Charlie) kilt. However, the tartan is machine woven and dates from the 1820s. The newspaper cutting makes reference to Culloden House.

The fragment with braiding, at the top of the picture, is almost certainly from a jacket or doublet, being lined or backed with unbleached linen. The design of the tartan approximates to what is described as Ogilvie or Drummond of Strathallan.

The fragments do have a royal association as they date from the time of the visit of George IV to Scotland. At that time there was great excitement over tartan and the Highland tradition.

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