Add to albumThis silver snuff box was presented to John Sutherland in 1849. At this time the Highland Clearances were at their height and Sutherland was the government emigration officer in Wick. The box was made in 1846-7 by Nathaniel Mills in Birmingham.
The inscription on the box reads ' Presented By a Sincere Friend To Mr John Sutherland, Govt. Emigration Agent, as a mark of Respect. Wick 1849.'
Government agents supervised the Passenger Acts which regulated emigration from the Highlands.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-082-580-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.1995.106
- Date: 1846 - 1847
- Material: Silver. Inscription: Presented / By a Sincere Friend / To / Mr John Sutherland, / Govt. Emigration Agent / as a mark of Respect / Wick / 1849
- Dimensions: 15 mm H x 76 mm L x 49 mm W
- What: Snuffbox
- Subject:
- Who: John Sutherland
Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham (Maker)
- Where: England, Warwickshire, Birmingham
Scotland, Highlands
- Event: Highland Clearances
- Description: Silver snuffbox, inscribed to John Sutherland, a government emigration agent during the Highland Clearances, 1849, made by Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham, 1846 - 1847
- References:
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