
Brooch (back)

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associated with Kames, Bute, Inner Hebrides

Brooch (back)
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This is the back of a cast gold ring brooch associated with Kames on Bute in the Inner Hebrides. The brooch dates from the 14th century or around 1300. Linked with the Bute mazer, it was preserved by the family of Bannatyne of Kames and may also come from the court of Robert the Bruce.

The back has an elaborate talismanic inscription with the unusual combination of the names of 'Jesus of Nazareth', two of the wise men (Caspar and Melchior) and one of the Fates (Atropa).

The brooch, possibly made in Scotland, belonged to the family of Bannatyne of Kames, a castle and estate on the east of the Island of Bute. Kept as a family heirloom, it was probably worn as a protective charm.

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