minted at an eastern mint
Add to albumThis silver coin was struck by Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) in 38 BC while he was campaigning in the east. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.
The obverse depicts Mark Antony in his position as an Augur, a high post with responsibilities for observing portents and associated judicial functions. He is wearing a toga and veil, and holding a staff called a lituus.
The legend 'M.ANTONIVS.M.F.M.N.AVGVR.IMP.TERT' is an abbreviation of Mark Antony's full name (son of Marcus, grandson of Marcus), his religious title of Augur, and his military title of Imperator, proclaimed by his troops and himself for the third time.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-078-712-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland A.1915.185
- Date: 38 BC
- Material: Silver. Inscription: Obv. M. Antonius standing r., togate and wearing veil, holding lituus in r. hand; around, M.ANTONIVS.M.F.M.N.AVGVR.IMP. TERT / Rev. Radiate head of Sol r.; around, III.VIR.R.P.C.COS.DESIG.ITER.ET.TERT
Coin, denarius
- Dimensions: 21.00 mm D / Die Axis: 6.0
- What: Coin, denarius
- Subject: Ancient Coin Collection
- Who: M. Antonius
- Where: East
- Event:
- Description: Silver denarius of the Roman Republic, East mint, 38 BC
- References:
- Crawford, M.H. Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
- Translations:
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