Add to albumThis paper coach ticket was issued by the Royal Mail Coach Office in Aberdeen for 'Number 1 Outside Passenger' on the Perth coach. It is dated 1st March 1826.
The ticket is partly printed and partly written in ink. It includes information on weights of luggage and charges payable and proprietors' liability.
Most coaches carried passengers as well as mail. It was cheaper, if colder and more dangerous, to travel outside the coach.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-067-837-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.OS 17
- Date: 1 March 1826
- Material: Paper. Inscription: Royal Mail Coach Office, Aberdeen; No. 1 outside passenger in the [illegible] to Perth the 1 Day of March 1826 - Paid 1 [pound] 1/- sets off at 6 a.m.; J. Clark [signature]
Ticket, coach
- Dimensions: 85 mm H x 105 mm W (unmounted)
- What: Ticket, coach
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen (Royal Mail Coach Office)
Scotland, Perthshire, Perth
- Event:
- Description: Paper ticket issued by the Royal Mail Coach Office, Aberdeen, for number 1 outside passenger on the Perth coach, 1 March 1826
- References:
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