
Map of Scotland

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Postcard of Map of Scotland.
© National Museums Scotland

Map of Scotland

This map of 'The North Part of Great Britain Called Scotland' is by Herman Moll and dates from 1714. It is dedicated to John Erskine, the 11th Earl of Mar (1675-1732).

At either side of the map are sketches of various towns and landmarks in Scotland. The back of the map is labelled 'G.H. Paton & Co, 42 Pitt Street, Edinburgh.

The 1715 Jacobite Rising was led by Mar who switched support from George I to the Jacobites. Mar was known as 'Bobbing John' because he switched sides and was indecisive as a general.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-067-816-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.OJ 55
Date: 1714
Material: Paper, white; glass; wood, green painted; metal. Inscription: THE NORTH PART of / GREAT BRITAIN / called / SCOTLAND; [dedicated] To The Right Honourable / IOHN Earl of MARR ...; [label on back] G.H. PATON & CO. / Framers, Printsellers and Gilders / 42 PI
Dimensions: 630 mm H x 1040 mm W
What: Map
Who: G.H. Paton and Co.
Herman Moll (Maker)
John, Earl of Mar (Dedicatee)
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh (42 Pitt Street)
Description: Framed and glazed map of Scotland by Herman Moll, 1714, dedicated to John, Earl of Mar, labelled G.H. Paton and Co., 42 Pitt Street, Edinburgh, on the back
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