
Nursing chair, associated with James VI and I

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Postcard of Nursing chair, associated with James VI and I.
© National Museums Scotland

Nursing chair, associated with James VI and I

This carved oak chair is reputed to be the 'nursing' chair used by Annabel Drummond, Countess of Mar. The countess had charge of James VI (1566-1625) from his infancy until he was 11 years old.

The chair has a tall back, curving arms and heavy 'stretchers' joining the legs. This style of chair is distinctively Scottish and developed in the 16th century from earlier French examples. The top bears the initials 'A M' (Annabel Mar).

James grew up in Stirling Castle, where he was treated with 'unloving severity' by the Countess of Mar.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-049-341-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  Q.L.1960.70
Date: 16th century
Material: Oak
Dimensions: 875 mm H x 635 mm W x 500 mm D
What: Chair, nursing
Who: James VI and I (Owner)
Lady Mar (Owner)
Description: Lady Mar's nursing chair of oak with arms, back richly carved with an ogee top and initials "A.M."
  • Marshall, R. K. (ed). Dynasty: The Royal House of Stewart. Edinburgh: NGS & NMS, 1990 
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