
Letter (front), to William Wilson & Sons, Bannockburn, near Stirling

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Letter (front), to William Wilson & Sons, Bannockburn, near Stirling
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This is the front of a letter addressed to William Wilson & Sons, a tartan weaving firm from Bannockburn near Stirling. Dated 24 December 1856, the letter is from the 74th Highlanders Regiment and concerns army clothing.

The letter would have been folded up so that William Wilson's name and address, together with the stamp, would have appeared on top. It would then have been sealed with sealing wax.

Reputedly founded in 1724, with surviving records from 1765, Wilsons monopolized the supply of tartan cloth to the army up until the mid-19th century. Thereafter they diversified into tweed and carpet weaving and continued in business until 1924.

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