
List, of paper mills in Scotland

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Postcard of List, of paper mills in Scotland.
© National Museums Scotland

List, of paper mills in Scotland

This paper list, published in April 1832, records the existing paper mills in Scotland at that time. The list was published by Oliver & Boyd of Edinburgh and Robert Weir of Glasgow.

The information recorded includes locations, makers' names, number of machines, type of paper made, and where the makers resided.

Although the paper-making industry was concentrated in Midlothian to meet the demands of the Edinburgh printers, it also thrived in Fife and Aberdeenshire. By 1850, Stoneywood Mill in Aberdeenshire was employing 1,000 people.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-044-577-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  T.1973.10
Date: 1832
April 1832
Dimensions: 520 mm H x 443 mm W x 27 mm D
What: Paper mills list / letter
Subject: 14. INDUSTRIES, Papermaking (Departmental Classification)
Who: Dalmuir Paperworks (Letter written from the paperworks)
Esk Mills (The list was seen at these mills)
James Bower (Compiler)
Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh (Publisher)
Robert Weir, Glasgow (Publisher)
W.R. Chambers (Letter addressed to the above)
Where: Scotland, Lanarkshire, Glasgow
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Description: A list of paper mills in Scotland published by Oliver and Boyd of Edinburgh and Robert Weir of Glasgow in April 1832
  • Bruce, Lenman. An Economic History of Modern Scotland. London: Batsford 1977, P. 108. 
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