Add to albumThis glass flask was used in classroom demonstrations or experiments by Professor Joseph Black (1728-99) at Edinburgh University. It was made in the late 18th century, possibly at Leith.
The pale-green flask is flat-bottomed.
In addition to his academic duties as Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh University, Black had an extensive private practice, both as a physician and as a consultant to some of the new industries then developing in Scotland.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-044-144-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland T.1858.275.43
- Date: 1766 - 1799
Late 18th century
- Material: Glass
Bottle, globular
- Dimensions:
- What: Bottle, globular
- Subject: 4. CHEMISTRY, Apparatus and instruments, general (Departmental Classification)
- Who: Edinburgh University (Owner)
Joseph Black (Owner)
- Where: Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh, Leith
- Event:
- Description: One of a collection of apparatus and instruments from Edinburgh University used by Professors Black, Hope and Gregory - 4 globular bottles used by Dr Joseph Black, 1766 - 1799, supposedly made at Leith
- References:
- Anderson, R. G. W. 'A Source for 18th century Chemical Glass' in Dragoni, G., McConnell, A. & Turner, G. L'E. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Instrument Symposium, Bologna, 1991. Bologna: 1994, pp 47-52
- Anderson, R. G. W., The Playfair Collection. Edinburgh: 1978, p 140,142-7
- Translations:
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