From Jarlshof, Shetland and Craigentinny, Midlothian
 000-100-042-395-C © National Museums Scotland |
These bone whistles were probably used in hunting, to attract prey. The top two were found at Jarlshof in Shetland, and were probably used to lure otters. The bottom one was found in a cremation urn burial at Craigentinny in Midlothian.
The Jarlshof whistles are incomplete, but have transverse holes on one side, and five dots either above or below. The Craigentinny whistle is pierced at one end, through one side. The bone is burnt because the whistle had passed through the funeral pyre.
Mammals, birds and fish were caught and killed with a variety of equipment. Evidence of the use of bows and arrows and spears is common from an early time. Other more specialised tools, such as these whistles for attracting prey, are also known.
Record details
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Online ID: |
000-100-042-395-C |
Image Rights Holder: |
National Museums Scotland |
Project: |
0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project |
Ref: |
National Museums Scotland X.HSA 212 |
Date: |
800 - 900 AD Jarlshof whistles: between 800 and 900; Craigentinny whistle: between 2000 and 1500 BC Middle Bronze Age
Material: |
Bone; burnt Bone; transverse perforation on one side of shaft, five dots below; other end broken Bone; transverse perforation on one side; five dots above perforation
Dimensions: |
2.10" L 2.75" L 4.50" L
What: |
Whistle Whistle, otter Whistle, otter
Subject: |
Who: |
Where: |
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh, Craigentinny Scotland, Shetland, Sumburgh, Jarlshof Scotland, Shetland, Sumburgh, Jarlshof
Event: |
Description: |
Middle Bronze Age whistle of burnt bone, from Craigentinny, Midlothian Bone otter whistle from Jarlshof Otter whistle of bone from Jarlshof, 800 - 900 AD
References: |
Translations: |
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