From Lamberton Moor, Berwickshire
Add to albumThese pieces of a Roman bronze pan, also known as a patera, were found at Lamberton Moor in Berwickshire in a hoard of Roman and native ornaments, pans and cups wrapped in a cloth.
Both pieces are now corroded and fragmentary.
Some Roman objects were used by the natives in their own ways. They were viewed as powerful objects, worthy of being sacrificed to the gods. The Lamberton Moor hoard is an example of a mixture of native and Roman objects, offered to the gods.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-037-631-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.FT 47
- Date: Between 80 and 180 AD
- Material: Possibly with enamel
Patera / handle
Patera / portion
- Dimensions:
- What: Patera / handle
Patera / portion
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Berwickshire, Mordington, Lamberton Moor
Scotland, Berwickshire, Mordington, Lamberton Moor
- Event:
- Description: Patera handle from Lamberton Moor
Portion of a patera from Lamberton Moor
- References:
- Stevenson, Robert B.K. Metal-work and some other objects in Scotland and their cultural affinities. In: Rivet, A.L.F. The Iron Age in northern Britain. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1966, p 31.
- Translations:
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