Twelve silver brooches
From St Ninian's Isle, Dunrossness, Shetland
Add to albumThese 12 silver brooches, most with gilding, were found in a hoard containing 28 silver objects and part of a porpoise's jaw, buried in a ruined chapel on St Ninian's Isle, at Dunrossness, on Shetland. The objects probably belonged to a Pictish chief. The penannular silver brooches with movable pins are highly decorated on their terminals, hoops and pins. They have settings for coloured glass, which survive in some cases. Some of the brooches show signs of wear.
The metalwork found in the St Ninian's Isle treasure shows the skill and accomplishment of Pictish craftsmen. Pictish brooches often have distinctive animal ornament. The use of simple oval pinheads contrasts with contemporary Irish penannular brooches.
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- Online ID: 000-100-036-433-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.FC 295
- Date: Between 750 and 825
- Material: Silver gilt; covered with deep panels of chip-carved interlace; triangular terminals have a round central inset with four ridges; triple panel in centre of hoop defined by higher border; corroded pin with chip-carved knots and head missing
Silver gilt; square terminals with birds' heads facing three corners, inset in fourth, all linked by ribs to central blue glass inset, interlace between; curved panel in centre of hoop with interlace and central inset; pin with interlace on upper half and Silver gilt; terminals with birds' heads in four lobes, three bordered by scrolls; panel on hoop; panel with central inset on head of pin Silver gilt; terminals with central triangular green glass insets from which radiate pointed oval settings leaving panels of poor interlace between; triple panel with central square setting and five ribs on hoop; pin with expanded oval head decorated with Silver gilt; terminals with four lobes round a disc, stylised birds' heads facing inward in each lobe; tripartite panel in centre of hoop with three insets; pin covered with interlace except at tip Silver gilt; terminals with three evenly spaced small lobes, the fourth wider against hoop with interlace; large central disc with concentric rings interrupted by radial triple bars, central insets of dark glass; oval panel on hoop with central inset; pin Silver gilt; terminals with three large and one small lobe round disc; green and blue glass insets; lobes with interlace and truncated outer edge; central inset on oval hoop panel, interlace on each side; plain pin with large oval inset Silver gilt; terminals with three large and one small lobe round disc; hoop of five ribs, the central one wider; interlace down whole length of pin Silver gilt; terminals with three small lobes with scroll bordered insets and a large interlaced lobe round disc; hoop panel with ring round inset, interlaced lobes; milled band along hoop edges; inset interlace panels on head of pin Silver gilt; zoomorphic terminals of facing animal heads covered with interlace, with bared teeth and insets for eyes; hoop panel of interlace with central inset and four tiny projecting discs; pin with all over interlace and plain central boss on expande Silver; terminals with four lobes round a disc; tripartite panel on hoop with central inset between knots; corded rib along each edge of hoop; upper half of pin missing Silver; terminals with four lobes, concentric circles in centre round blue glass insets; on centre of hoop similar inset with concentric circles, a lobe on either side with bird's head; pin with lozenge panel containing interlace; similar large panel on h Brooch, penannular
- Dimensions: 2.60" D
2.63" D 2.70" D; hoop 0.30" W 2.75" D 2.75" D 2.80" D 2.80" D 2.80" D 2.90" max D 3.08" D 4.50" max D; hoop 1.25" W
- What: Brooch, penannular
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Shetland, St Ninian's Isle
- Event:
- Description: Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with panels of interlace, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century
Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with glass insets and interlace patterns, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with birds' heads and a blue glass inset, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with stylised birds' heads and a glass inset, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver with triple-lobed terminals, animal heads and and knots, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver, the terminals decorated with concentric circles around blue glass insets, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with dark glass insets, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with birds' heads and scrolls, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with beading and interlace, formerly containing ten studs, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt, once set with ten glass studs of which eight remain, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with insets of green and blue glass, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century Penannular brooch of silver-gilt with zoomorphic terminals of facing animal heads with bared teeth, from St Ninian's Isle, Pictish, 8th century
- References:
- Small, A., Thomas, C., and Wilson, D.M. St. Ninian's Isle and its treasure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973, vol. 1, pp 67-79.
- Youngs, Susan (ed). 'The Work of Angels'. Masterpieces of Celtic metalwork, 6th-9th centuries AD. London: British Museums Publications Ltd, 1989, p. 110-2.
- Translations:
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