RecordAxeheadfrom Broubster, Reay, Caithness, Brubster
AxeheadThis bronze axehead was found while cutting a drain at Broubster in Caithness. It is an example of the most common form of flat bronze axehead from the Early Bronze Age, found throughout Scotland. It dates from between 2050 and 1900 BC. As with most of the flat axeheads of this shape, this example is without decoration. The hammering shows the first stages in creating flanges. The techniques used to make flat axeheads are simple but may have seemed magical to early people. First the shape was carved into a suitable stone. Metal was melted in a crucible and poured into the mould which was covered and allowed to cool. Then irregularities were hammered away and the edge was sharpened. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.