
Seal matrix (electrotype) (reverse), of Burgh of Aberdeen

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Postcard of Seal matrix (electrotype) (reverse), of Burgh of Aberdeen.
© National Museums Scotland

Seal matrix (electrotype) (reverse), of Burgh of Aberdeen

This is the reverse of an electrotype of a seal matrix of the Burgh of Aberdeen. The original bronze matrix dates from 1430 and is the second seal of the Burgh of Aberdeen.

The reverse shows the front gate and walls of a castle. Within this is a depiction of the miracle of St Nicolas restoring three youths to life. The saint is in the centre, with his left hand raised and a crosier in his right.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-002-642-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.NM 24
Date: Original: 1430
Dimensions: 71 mm D
What: Seal matrix / electrotype
Subject: Jewellery: seals, stamps (NMAS Classification)
Who: St Nicholas
Where: Scotland, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen
Description: Electrotype of the seal matrix of 1430 of the burgh of Aberdeen
  • Caldwell, D. H. (ed.). Angels, Nobles and Unicorns: Art and Patronage in Medieval Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS, 1982 
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