Add to albumThis matching silver knife, fork and spoon, dated 1874-5, form part of a christening set made in Edinburgh by Hamilton, Crichton and Co. The silver spoon below the set is dated 1698-9. It was made in Edinburgh and is known as a dognose spoon.
The matching knife, fork and spoon are engraved with stylised lilies and have the monogram 'C A S and M' inscribed on their handles. The dognose spoon is so called because when viewed from above, the end of the spoon is similar in shape to a dog's head.
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- Online ID: 000-100-001-123-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.MEQ 1299
- Date: 1698 - 1699
1874 - 1875
1874 - 1875
1874 - 1875
Christening set: 1874-5; Spoon: 1698-9
- Material: Silver blade and handle. Inscription: [Edinburgh mark]; S; H.C & Co.; on handle: C A S and M [monogram]
Silver. Inscription: H.C & Co.; [Edinburgh mark]; S
Silver. Inscription: S; [Edinburgh mark]; H.C & Co.
Silver. Inscription: [Edinburgh mark]; S [gothic]; underneath: ELSHIE SHIELS / 1699
Christening set / fork
Christening set / knife
Christening set / spoon, dessertspoon
- Dimensions: 173 mm L
175 mm L
193 mm L
208 mm L
- What: Christening set / fork
Christening set / knife
Christening set / spoon, dessertspoon
- Subject: Gold and silver (NMAS Classification)
Gold and silver (NMAS Classification)
Gold and silver (NMAS Classification)
Gold and silver (NMAS Classification)
- Who: Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh (Silversmith)
Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh (Silversmith)
Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh (Silversmith)
- Where: Scotland, Dumfriesshire, Elshieshields
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
- Event:
- Description: Knife with a silver blade and handle engraved with lilies, part of a christening set by Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh, 1874 - 1875, inscribed with monogram "C A S and M" on the handle
Four-pronged silver fork engraved with a stylised lily above the prongs, part of a christening set by Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh, 1874 - 1875
Silver dessertspoon engraved on the back with stylised flowers against a matted surface, part of a christening set by Hamilton, Crichton and Co., Edinburgh, 1874 - 1875
Silver spoon with a wavy end turned up as on a dog nose, Edinburgh, 1698 - 1699, engraved "Elshie Shiels 1699"
- References:
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