From St Paul's And St George's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh
Add to albumThis pair of silver gilt communion cups are from St Paul's and St George's Episcopal Church in Edinburgh. The cups were made in 1880-1881 by G. and W. Crichton, Edinburgh and were presented to the church by Sir David Anderson.
The cups have a small straight-sided bowl which tapers to a rounded base. The bowl is decorated with a broad band of chased and engraved work, featuring leaf scrolls set with red glass stones.
The two cups were part of a communion set made by G. and W. Crichton in 1880-1. The set also included a flagon and two patens. The cups are similar in design to a pair of flagons from St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-100-000-542-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
National Museums Scotland
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland H.KJ 225
- Date: 1880 - 1881
- Material: Gilded base; red glass stones. Inscription: On base: + . IN . HONOREM . DEI . PATRIS . OMNIPOTENTIS . HUNC . CALICEM . ECCLESIAE . S . PAULI . IN . URBE . EDINENSI . DONO . DEDIT . DAVID . ANDERSON . DE . MOREDUN . ARMIGER . ANNO . SALUTIS . M . DCCC . LX
Cup, communion
- Dimensions: 212 mm H x 98 mm Dia (Rim); 135 mm Dia (Base)
- What: Cup, communion
- Subject: Ecclesiastical, miscellaneous, vestments (NMAS Classification)
- Who: G. and M. Crichton, Edinburgh (Maker)
Sir David Anderson (Presenter)
St Paul's and St George's Episcopal Church of Scotland
- Where: Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh (York Place)
- Event:
- Description: One of two communions cups by G. and M. Crichton, Edinburgh, 1880 - 1881, presented to St Paul's and St George's Episcopal Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, by Sir David Anderson
- References:
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