
Chanter for a set of Highland bagpipes formerly owned by Sir Joseph Noel Paton

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made by Thomas Glen, Edinburgh, c. 1850

Chanter for a set of Highland bagpipes formerly owned by Sir Joseph Noel Paton
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Chanter for a set of Highland bagpipes by Thomas Glen of Edinburgh, about 1850, of cocus wood, ivory mounted, and a horn mouthpiece. The chanter is stamped twice 'THOS. GLEN / EDINBURGH' and mounted with an ivory sole (broken) and 'bulb' between the neck and tenon, and with three drones including bass and two tenors.

Thomas McBean Glen (1804-1873) was the founder of a notable firm of bagpipe makers in Edinburgh. He set up business as dealer, musical instrument and bagpipe repairer in the Cowgate in 1827. From 1833 he listed himself as 'pipe and flute maker' in the Edinburgh Directories, and made a range of woodwind instruments including flutes and clarinets. He is also credited with the invention of a type of Ophicleide. In 1836 he moved his premises to the more prestigious position of 2 North Bank Street and remained in business until 1866 when he was succeeded by his sons John and Robert. Many of his musical instrument products have survived including flutes, Highland bagpipes and small pipes. He also published a 'Tutor for the Highland Bagpipe'.

This set of Highland bagpipes was displayed for many years in the Clan Donachaidl Museum, Bruar, Perthshire, and was transferred to the National Museums of Scotland in August 2001. The set was owned formerly by the artist Sir Joseph Noel Paton (1821 - 1904) who acquired it for his antiquarian collection from the scholar and folklorist, John Francis Campbell of Islay.

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