RecordChanter for a set of bellows-blown Lowland bagpipes owned by Malcolm Macphersonmade by Duncan MacDougall
Chanter for a set of bellows-blown Lowland bagpipes owned by Malcolm MacphersonChanter by Duncan MacDougall for a set of Lowland bagpipes, bellows-blown, which belonged to Malcolm Macpherson, Calum Piobair (1833 - 1898). The chanter and drones tune as in the Highland pipes These pipes would have been used for indoor piping and were played at dances since, being blown with dry air, they would keep in tune for a longer period. The bagpipe making firm of MacDougall of Aberfeldy was a family who by tradition had been pipers to the MacDougalls of Dunollie in Lorne, Argyll. Allan MacDougall, born in 1864, opened a shop in Perth in 1792 making bagpipes and including Union pipes, and he was succeeded by his son John MacDougall in Aberfeldy in 1834. John's son Duncan (1837-1898) took over his father's business in 1857 and, after a move to Edinburgh about 1861, he returned to Perthshire and set up shop in Aberfeldy in 1872. His son, Gavin MacDougall, carried on bagpipe making, also with a Royal Warrant as Bagpipe Maker to Edward VII, from about 1900 until his death in 1928 when the business closed. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.