RecordPlumb bob from Mumrills, Stirlingshire< 1 of 1 > Back
Plumb bob from Mumrills, StirlingshireA plumb bob is the weight at the end of a line, used to test the depth of water or that something is vertical. This stone example was found at the site of the Roman fort at Mumrills in Stirlingshire. It was used for building work sometime between 140 and 165 AD. The plumb bob is conical in shape, and resembles modern examples. The holes for attaching the line are visible on the top. In the ranks of the Roman army there were specialist stonemasons. They did various work, mainly building within the forts and producing monumental sculpture. Their tools were similar to those in use today, including plumb bobs, pick-adzes, axe-hammers and chisels. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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