RecordWheel from Newstead, Roxburghshire< 1 of 1 > Back
Wheel from Newstead, RoxburghshireThis wooden wheel made of wood and iron was found at the site of the Roman fort at Newstead in Roxburghshire. It is a rare survival of a wheel, and was used on a cart or chariot between 140 and 180 AD. The hub was carved from a single piece of oak. The rim (or felloe) of the wheel is made up from six joined sections. The treads were attached with wooden dowels. Only parts of the spokes survive. The Romans built a network of proper roads in southern Scotland where there had only been tracks and paths before. Materials needed to set up and provision the forts in Scotland were hauled over short and long distances by horses pulling carts and wagons. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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