Tools, flakes and cores from Morton Farm, Tentsmuir, Fife
Add to albumThese flint tools, flakes and cores were found at the early settlement site at Morton Farm at Tentsmuir in Fife. The site was a camp of gatherer-fisher-hunters, who occupied it seasonally to exploit the local resources between 6000 and 5000 BC. Tool
Flint was used to make a wide range of tools by early people. The tools include blades or flakes, scrapers, awls and borers, and microliths (very small blades blunted on one side in order to be set in hafts or shafts). Some show signs of sharpening or reuse.
Record details
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- Online ID: 000-000-136-602-C
- Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
- Project:
Early Scottish Shelter - Life in the Prehistoric Home (multimedia essay)
Project description View all records in project
- Ref: National Museums Scotland X.BNA 306
- Date: Between 6000 and 5000 BC
- Material: Agate; circular, small edge
Agate; disc Chalcedony; disc Chalcedony; irregular Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint, grey; isosceles triangle Core Core Core Core Core Core Flake, secondary Microlith Microlith Microlith Tool Tool Tool
- Dimensions:
- What: Core
Core Core Core Core Core Flake, secondary Microlith Microlith Microlith Tool Tool Tool
- Subject:
- Who:
- Where: Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm
Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm Scotland, Fife, Leuchars, Morton Farm
- Event:
- Description: Core
Core Core Grey flint isosceles triangle microlith, from Morton Farm, Fife Flake, secondary Core Core Core Microlith Microlith
- References:
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