RecordColour Sergeant of the 21st Regiment of Foot, in the Crimea< 1 of 1 > Back By Roger Fenton
Colour Sergeant of the 21st Regiment of Foot, in the CrimeaPhotograph of a Colour Sergeant of the 21st Regiment of Foot by Roger Fenton. The 21st were also known as the Royal Scots Fusiliers and are now (1999) part of the Royal Highland Fusiliers. This photograph was taken by Roger Fenton in the Crimean War during the summer of 1855. The single bar chevron of double lace worn on the right arm of a Colour Sergeant of line infantry can be clearly seen. Roger Fenton took up to 360 photographs during the Crimean War. Before the work of men like Fenton, the public at home had to rely on written descriptions or artists' impressions for images of individuals fighting the war. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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