RecordBonnet badge of the 78th Regiment of Foot
Bonnet badge of the 78th Regiment of FootRank and file bonnet badge of the 78th Regiment of Foot, worn at the front of a feathered bonnet, 1830 - 1882. The elephant denotes service in India: large numbers of Scottish soldiers served there during the 18th and 19th centuries. 'Cuidich N RI' (Cuidich 'n Righ) is the motto of the 78th: it can be translated as 'Tribute to the King' or 'Help the King'. The Regiment was raised by Lieutenant-General Francis Humberston Mackenzie of Seaforth, 1st Baron Seaforth and Mackenzie (1754-1815) in 1793. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.