
Angels from the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle

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Postcard of Angels from the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle.
© National Museums Scotland

Angels from the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle

This is a small preliminary model, or maquette, of the buttress angels for the exterior of the Scottish National War Memorials. It was carved by Alice Meredith Williams around 1924.

The angels are among other figurative sculpture on the exterior of the Scottish National War Memorial. They are representations of Valour, Justice, Peace, Mercy, Knowledge Freedom, Truth and 'Survival of the Spirit'

The Scottish National War Memorial in Edinburgh was created with Scottish money and by Scottish artists and crafts workers. It was designed by Sir Robert Lorimer, 1864-1929, - one of the foremost architects of his day.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-000-099-866-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0088: Innovators and Innovations (multimedia essay)
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Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.1996.4
Date: c. 1924
Material: Oak wood. Inscription: G.A. MEREDITH WILLIAMS
What: Maquette
Who: Alice Meredith Williams (maker)
Where: Scotland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Castle
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh (38 Danube Street)
Description: Carved oak maquette, by Alice Meredith Williams, ARBS, of the buttress angels for the exterior of the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle, c. 1924
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