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Portrait, of Thomas Hope

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Postcard of Portrait, of Thomas Hope.
© National Museums Scotland

Portrait, of Thomas Hope

This portrait of Thomas C. Hope (1766-1844) dates from around 1850. Probably painted by Sir John Watson Gordon, it is a copy of the original by Henry Raeburn, which is now lost.

The oil painting shows Hope holding the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia to which he was an important contributor, in revisions from 1801 onwards. A pharmacopoeia is a book of drugs and formulae which is intended to secure the legally enforceable uniformity and standardisation of remedies.

Hope was President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh from 1815 to 1820, and taught chemistry and medicine at Glasgow University from 1787 to 1795. He then taught chemistry at Edinburgh with the ailing Joseph Black who died in 1799. Hope continued to teach until 1843, when he resigned his chair at the age of 77.

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Online ID: 000-100-104-278-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  T.1981.92
Date: Around 1850
c. 1850
Dimensions: 50.00" x 40.00"
What: Portrait / man
Who: Raeburn
Sir John Watson Gordon, Edinburgh (Artist)
Thomas Hope (Subject of portrait)
Where: Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Description: Portrait of Thomas Hope possibly by Sir John Watson Gordon, Edinburgh, c. 1850
  • Cowen, D. L. 'The Edinburgh Pharacopoeia' in Anderson, R. G. W. & Simpson, A. D. C., The Early Years of the Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh, 1976, pp 25-45 
  • For T. C. Hope's teaching career, see Anderson, R. G. W., The Playfair Collection. Edinburgh: 1978, pp 35-45 
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