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Model, of sailing ship Bothwell

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made in Port Glasgow

Model, of sailing ship Bothwell
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This wooden model represents the sailing ship 'Bothwell', a three-masted vessel built by William Hamilton & Co of the Glen Shipbuilding Yard in Port Glasgow in 1886. The model was built to a scale of 1:108 by William Main, shipwright with William Hamilton & Co.

'Bothwell' was steel-built, fully-rigged with square riggs on all three masts. She was built for carrying capacity rather than speed and was considered to be a very comfortable ship.

Her usual run was taking general cargo between Hull or London and Brisbane, Australia. She would then sail across to San Francisco where she loaded wheat for the journey home. In 1900 she was sold to Montgomery & Co of London. On her first voyage under new ownership she was wrecked off the coast of South America, after striking a sunken rock.

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