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The Works of Ben Johnson, volume 4

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Postcard of The Works of Ben Johnson, volume 4.
© National Museums Scotland

The Works of Ben Johnson, volume 4

This book entitled, 'The Works Of Ben Johnson', Volume 4 was printed in London in 1716. The book belonged to George Baillie of Mellerstain House in Berwickshire.

The book, which includes a bookplate of George Baillie dated 1724, is inscribed on the inside, 'Grizell Baillie 1716'.

The Baillies of Mellerstain were a middle-ranking aristocratic family from Berwickshire. Grisell Hume married George Baillie, a member of Parliament, and they travelled widely across the country, accumulating an increasing variety of material goods.

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Online ID: 000-100-047-879-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.1992.350
Date: 1716
Material: Inscription: Bookplate: George Baillie 1724. Inscribed inside: Grizell Baillie 1716. The Works of Ben Johnson
Dimensions: 128 mm x 200 mm x 35 mm
What: Book
Who: Ben Johnson
George Baillie
Grizell Baillie
Description: Book `The Works of Ben Johnson', Volume 4, with bookplate of George Baillie 1724 and inscribed inside `Grizell Baillie 1716'
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