Search ResultsBattle axes< 1 of 1 > Back From Whitehall, Stronsay, Orkney; Sandwick, Orkney; Wick Harbour, Caithness
Battle axesThese three stone battle axes were found at Whitehall on Stronsay in Orkney, at Sandwick in Orkney and in Wick harbour in Caithness. They illustrate the stages in making a battle axe. All date from between 2000 and 1700 BC. The distinctively shaped axeheads are known as bow-tie profile battle axes. They are in various degrees of workmanship. The top left is unfinished, without a central hole, while the top right is only partly perforated. The bottom one is finished. Battle axes were adapted from Continental Europe around the time when metallurgy was introduced to Scotland. They were originally mounted on handles. Although they could have functioned as weapons, their main purpose was to be symbols of power. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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