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Garment (piece)

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made in Andalucia, Spain

Garment (piece)
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This woven silk textile, probably from the back of a garment, was made by Muslim weavers in Andalucia in Spain between around 1480 and 1500.

The textile is decorated with pairs of crowned lions in compartments formed by stylised plants.

Textiles such as this illustrate the strong historical links between Southern Spain and Morocco. The Muslim occupation of Spain which was launched from Tangiers in 751 lasted until 1492 with the conquest of Granada by the Christian King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile. During these centuries and afterwards economic and social contacts between Spain and Morocco continued. Silk weavers in Southern Spain had absorbed and interpreted decorative motifs of scrolling foliage and Arabic calligraphy. By the late 15th century their style had become more independent and eclectic and included Christian heraldic motifs such as the pairs of lions on this textile.

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