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Seal impression (cast), of Robert I (Robert the Bruce)

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Seal impression (cast), of Robert I (Robert the Bruce)
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This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the reverse of the 1st Great Seal of Robert I (Robert the Bruce) dating from around 1306.

The seal depicts the king as a knight on horseback. The design is similar to seals of previous monarchs, but his armour and the horse equipment reflect the contemporary fashion. The shield and coat both have the Royal Arms of Scotland. The impression is badly cracked. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.

Seals were used extensively from the 12th century in Scotland by kings, clergy, nobles and towns. In a society where few people could read or write, they provided evidence that documents were authentic. Great Seals were used primarily for grants of lands.

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