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Gunner's callipers

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probably made in Germany

Postcard of Gunner's callipers.
© National Museums Scotland

Gunner's callipers

Gunner's callipers were used for making shot measure and artillery calculations. These brass callipers were made around 1650, probably in Germany, to the description published in 1607 by Leonhard Zubler of Zurich. They are unsigned.

The brass callipers, with steel points and hinge, also incorporate elements from the sector, and these are marked on one side only on both arms with proportional divisions. There is a scale around the semicircular hinge from 0-60.

Although invented in England in the late 16th century, an alternative design of sector was independently devised by Galileo for military purposes. This instrument is a further development of the continental design.

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Online ID: 000-100-103-396-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  T.1985.6
Date: Around 1650
c. 1650
What: Calliper, gunner's
Who: Zubler
Where: Germany
Description: Zubler's gunner's calliper of brass, unsigned, probably made in Germany, c. 1650
  • First described by Zubler, Leonhard, Norum instrumentum geometricum. Basel: 1607 
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