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Plate (1 of 2)

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made in Rome, Italy

Postcard of Plate (1 of 2).
© National Museums Scotland

Plate (1 of 2)

This maiolica plate was made at the Castellani Workshop in Rome in Italy in 1871.

The plate decorated in an early-16th-century Castel Durante style, with a central candelabra, a mask, dolphins, winged sphinxes and grotesques. It is inscribed 'Napoli' and 'Dum Spiro Spero' ['whilst I breathe I hope'].

Record details

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Online ID: 000-180-001-025-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1874.25
Date: 1871
Dimensions: 68.00" L
What: Hani / spear
Subject: Spears
Where: Polynesia, New Zealand
Description: Carved wooden hani or spear with inlaid mother of pearl eyes: New Zealand
  • Curnow, Celia, Italian Maiolica in the National Museums of Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS, 1992 
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