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Charmstone, owned by the Stewarts of Ardsheal, Appin, Argyllshire

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Postcard of Charmstone, owned by the Stewarts of Ardsheal, Appin, Argyllshire.
© National Museums Scotland

Charmstone, owned by the Stewarts of Ardsheal, Appin, Argyllshire

This crystal ball charmstone belonged to the Stewarts of Ardsheal in Argyllshire. The silver mounts enclosing the charmstone date from the 16th or 17th century.

The charmstone has a suspension loop, to which a chain is attached.

The chain enabled the charm to be dipped in water which could be given to people or animals as a drink to cure disease or prevent illness. The act of dipping the charm was accompanied by a verbal charm or prayer.

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Online ID: 000-100-002-748-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.NO 72
Date: 16th or 17th century
Material: Silver; rock crystal
Dimensions: 41 mm D
What: Charmstone
Subject: Jewellery: charms, amulets (NMAS Classification)
Who: Stewart of Ardsheal (Owner)
Where: Scotland, Argyll, Ardsheal
Description: Rock crystal ball with a silver frame and chain, the charmstone of the Stewarts of Ardsheal
  • Black, G.F. 'Scottish Charms and Amulets' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland XXVII (1892-3), pp 433-526 
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