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Piece of a tile

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From Camelon, Stirlingshire

Postcard of Piece of a tile.
© National Museums Scotland

Piece of a tile

This piece of a tile was found at the site of the Roman fort at Camelon in Stirlingshire. It is from a box flue tile, used in buildings to allow hot air to circulate within them. The tile dates from between 80 and 165 AD.

The red earthenware tile is fragmentary, and now broken in two. The tile has an incomplete inscription 'Messivs Sevirv...', which has been translated as the name 'Messius Sevirus'.

Brought to Scotland by the Romans, writing was a vital part of the bureaucracy generated by the army. Many Roman soldiers could read and write to some extent, and marked their names on their belongings.

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Online ID: 000-100-037-735-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  X.FX 319
Date: Between 80 and 165 AD
Material: Earthenware, red; with incised inscription. Inscription: Nessius
What: Tile, box flue / portion
Where: Scotland, Stirlingshire, Falkirk, Camelon
Description: Part of a large box flue tile with incised inscription 'Nessius', from Camelon
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