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Seal impression (cast), of Brother David Anderson

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Postcard of Seal impression (cast), of Brother David Anderson.
© National Museums Scotland

Seal impression (cast), of Brother David Anderson

This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the 3rd seal of Brother David Anderson, dating from 1519. He was a Dominican friar.

The seal depicts St Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order, in a canopied niche. Behind him a dog runs with a firebrand. The inscription 'S PROVICIALIS. SCOCIE ORDIS. FRATRV. PDICAT.' translates as 'Seal of the Provincial of the Dominicans of Scotland'. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.

The Dominican Friars (also known as the Blackfriars from the colour of their habits, or Friars Preachers) were founded in 1215 by St Dominic in France. The Order reached Scotland in 1530. It had close ties with the universities.

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Online ID: 000-180-001-835-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  K.1999.1396
Date: Date of cast: 19th century; Date of seal: 1519
Material: Sulphur; brown. Inscription: S PROVICIALIS . SCOCIE ORDIS . FRATRV . PDICAT.
Dimensions: 68 mm L x 50 mm W
What: Seal / cast
Who: Brother David Anderson
St Dominic
Description: Brown sulphur cast of the 3rd seal of Brother David Anderson, depicting St Dominic in a canopied niche, 1519
  • Stevenson and Wood, i, p. 205, no 7 
  • Stevenson, J.H. and Wood, M. Scottish Heraldic Seals - Royal, Official, Ecclesiastical, Collegiate, Burghal, Personal, vol i. Glasgow, 1940, p 205, no. 7. 
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