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Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William Malvoisine

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of St Andrews, Fife

Postcard of Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William Malvoisine.
© National Museums Scotland

Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William Malvoisine

This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the seal of William Malvoisine, Bishop of St Andrews in Fife. The impression dates from around 1202.

The seal depicts the bishop, who is identified by the incomplete inscription '+ SIGILL : WIL .... OTTOR : EPISCOPIO' as Bishop of the Scots. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.

Seals were used extensively from the 12th century in Scotland by kings, clergy, nobles and towns. In a society where few people could read or write, they provided evidence that documents were authentic.

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Online ID: 000-180-001-764-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  K.1999.859
Date: Date of cast: 19th century; Date of seal: Around 1202
Material: Sulphur; brown. Inscription: + SIGILL : WIL .... OTTOR : EPISCOPI
Dimensions: 73 mm L x 53 mm W
What: Seal / cast
Who: William Malvoisine
Where: Scotland, Fife, St Andrews
Description: Brown sulphur cast of the seal of William Malvoisine, Bishop of St Andrews, depicting the Bishop, c. 1202
  • Stevenson and Wood, i, p. 84, no 8 
  • Stevenson, J.H. and Wood, M. Scottish Heraldic Seals - Royal, Official, Ecclesiastical, Collegiate, Burghal, Personal, vol i. Glasgow, 1940, p 84, no 8. 
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