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Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William de Bondington

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of Glasgow

Postcard of Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William de Bondington.
© National Museums Scotland

Seal impression (cast), of Bishop William de Bondington

This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the Counter Seal of William de Bondington, Bishop of Glasgow, dating from around 1233. Counter seals were the reverse of seals, but often of a different size and matrix from the obverse.

The seal depicts a bishop kneeling before St Kentigern (also known as St Mungo). This is one of the earliest representations of the saint. The inscription '+ ORA PRO NUBIS BEATE : KENTEGERN' translates as 'Pray for us St Kentigern'. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.

St Kentigern built the first church in Glasgow in the 6th century. In the 12th century, a cathedral was begun on the site, with a number of rebuildings over the next centuries. Much of the surviving eastern end of the cathedral dates from William de Bondington's time.

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Online ID: 000-180-001-768-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  K.1999.898
Date: Date of cast: 19th century; Date of seal: Around 1233
Material: Sulphur; brown. Inscription: + ORA PRO NUBIS BEATE : KENTEGERN
Dimensions: 54 mm L x 34 mm W
What: Seal / cast
Who: St Kentigern
William de Bondington, Bishop of Glasgow
Where: Scotland, Lanarkshire, Glasgow
Description: Brown sulphur cast of the Counter Seal of William de Bondington, Bishop of Glasgow, depicting the Bishop kneeling before St Kentigern, c. 1233
  • Stevenson and Wood 
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