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made in Egypt

Postcard of Poster.
© National Museums Scotland


This poster of the attributes of divine perfection was made by Ahmed Moustafa in Egypt in 1987.

It is based on an original picture in oil and watercolour on paper. Sura II, v. 255 & Sura XVII, V.110 of the Quran is used as a background in blue & gold to a cluster of cubes inscribed with the 99 divine attributes of God. The first quote translates as 'God: there is no God but Him, the Living, the Eternal One. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. His is what the heavens and earth contain. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before and behind men. They can grasp only that part of his knowledge which He wills. His throne is as vast as the heavens and the earth and the preservation of both does not weary Him. He is the Exalted, the Immense One'. The shorter quote translates as 'Say: "It is the same whether you call on God or on the Merciful: His are the most gracious names" '.

The art of calligraphy and the physical manifestation of the word of God have always been highly regarded among Muslims. Arabic, the language of the Holy Quran, is written in a script which lends itself to an infinite range of interpretation and embellishment. Consequently, a well established tradition of calligraphic art developed which is still flourishing. Artists now produce work in many media - including etching, lithography and screen printing - which take advantage of modern technical advances.

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Online ID: 000-180-002-209-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0504: National Museums Scotland Part 2
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Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1990.154
Date: 1987
Material: Gold and blue background
Who: Ahmed Moustafa (Maker)
Where: Egypt
Description: Poster of the attributes of divine perfection, based on an original in oil and watercolour on paper: Egyptian, Ahmed Moustafa, 1987
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