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made in Japan

Postcard of Planisphere.
© National Museums Scotland


This bronze planisphere was made in Japan, probably in the 18th century. It shows a projection of the celestial sphere centred on the North Pole. This example is a copy of an original made in 1668, which itself was based on a Korean star map of 1395.

Stars are represented by raised dots, joined into constellation groups according to Chinese astronomy. The rim has the names of the 12 Horary Characters (indicating the months), the Chinese hours (each of 120 minutes), and the points of the compass.

Apparently recovered from a Japanese junk wrecked off the Japanese coast, the instrument appears to have been based on records dating back to 2350 BC, although the equator is for the epoch 600 AD.

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Online ID: 000-100-102-651-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  T.1878.37
Date: 18th century
Material: Bronze with 2 magnetic needles
Dimensions: 13.63" D
Subject: 9. NAVIGATION (Departmental Classification)
Where: China
Description: Chinese planisphere in bronze with 2 magnetic needles in a raised border, the centre representing a portion of the sidereal heavens, 18th century
  • Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China Vol 3, with Wang Ling, Mathematics and the Sciences of Heaven and Earth. London: 1959, pp 279, 282 
  • Stephenson, F. R., 'Chinese and Korean Star Maps and Catalogs' and Miyajima, K., 'Japanese Celestial Cartography before the Meiji Period' in Harley, J.B. & Woodward, David., The History of Cartography Volume Two, Book Two: Cartography in the Traditional E 
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