
Fashion plate, from Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes

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published in London

Postcard of Fashion plate, from Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes.
© National Museums Scotland

Fashion plate, from Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes

This hand-coloured fashion plate is from a copy of Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes, a fashion magazine published in London. The plate is from issue no 168 of the magazine, published in December, 1838.

The plate illustrates examples of ladies' day wear, evening wear and bonnets. The materials used are predominantly satin, velvet and lace.

Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes was first published in 1823. It contained mostly imported French fashion plates from Parisian magazines such as Le Journal des Dames et des Modes and Le Petit Courrier des Dames.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-002-043-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.RHI 44
Date: 1838
December 1838
Dimensions: 11.70" x 9.20"
What: Journal, fashion
Subject: Fashion plates (NMAS Classification)
Where: France, Paris
Description: Townsend's Monthly Selection of Parisian Costumes, Issue No. 168, December 1838
  • Holland, Vyvyan. Hand Coloured Fashion Plates 1770 to 1899. London: B.T. Batsford, 1955, p 68. 
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