RecordClarsach known as the 'Lamont Harp'< 1 of 1 > Back
Clarsach known as the 'Lamont Harp'This is a detail of the harmonic curve of one of the two oldest surviving clarsachs from Scotland. The clarsach dates from around 1500 and is known as the 'Lamont Harp' after the family who owned it in the early 16th century. The strings of the clarsach were attached to pegs set into brass 'stringbands' as seen in this detail. There is a band on each side of the harmonic curve so that it could be strung for a left or right-handed player. The clarsach was played in royal households from the 10th to the 16th centuries. It was the instrument of the Gael of north and west Scotland and Ireland. Record detailsTo search on related items, click any linked text below.
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