
Figure of Kuan Yin, Queen of Heaven

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made in China

Figure of Kuan Yin, Queen of Heaven
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According to Chinese Buddhism, Kuan Yin (Kwan Yin, Guan Yin) is the Goddess of Mercy and Queen of Heaven, who leads devout Buddhists after death to the Western Paradise to join Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light. This figure represents Kuan Yin.

This painted and originally gilt wooden figure shows Quan Yin dressed in a long robe, wearing a crown in the Tibetan style, and standing on a lotus flower. Her left arm is incomplete and she may have been shown holding a container of ambrosia.

Buddhists believe in repeated reincarnation after death. The idea that one could escape from this and go to the 'Western Paradise' with the aid of Kuan Yin became popular in China from the Tang period (AD 618-906). She was originally depicted as a male.

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