
Fashion plate, from La Belle Assembleé

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published in London

Fashion plate, from La Belle Assembleé
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This hand-coloured fashion plate is from La Belle Assembleé, a ladies' monthly magazine published in London. The plate illustrates four half figures showing women's outfits and appeared in issue no 89 of the New Series on 1 May, 1832.

The plate gives good examples of the fashionable 'gigot' or 'leg-of-mutton' sleeve. This style of sleeve was very full at the head and tapered below the elbow to give a tight wrist. It was exaggerated to the point that the female form looked almost as wide as it was high.

To achieve this desired effect, the sleeve was cut 'on the bias' - cut in one piece with the pattern placed at angle on the cloth. This gave the sleeve the necessary extra stretch, particularly on the narrow lower arm.

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